LevynLight Wiki
Drill Instructor

Despite her striking red hair, Enrick's Drill Instructor is the kind of girl who enjoys blending into the crowd -- in fact, blending is her job. For years she has cultivated the art of camouflage, learning how to deflect Seeker magic and sneak by enemies unnoticed. The Drill Instructor is also a master of sleight of hand, so don't concentrate on that flag she's waving too long. You may just find yourself knocked in the head with her practice mace.

Location(s): Esert Village

First Appearance: Chapter 1

Attack Power: 4

Defense Power: 0

Family Type: Humanoid

Critical Chance: 0%

Traits: None

Loot: Cutscene CR Copper Ring Flag Flag (during the quest Capture the Flag)
Gold: Gold Icon 5 - 15

Energy Preference: None

Alternative Version(s): Tournament Spectator small Tournament Spectator (repaint)

Bronze 1 Silver 10 Gold 100 Badge Platinum 250
