LevynLight Wiki
Failed Wizard

Although he is ever full of enthusiasm, this young wizard was deemed hopeless by Zeruul's elder mages and kicked out of O.W.A.P (The Official Wizard Apprentice Program). Philima, however, does not believe in failure when it comes to training help for her rebellion, and so, with her guidance, this awkward enchanter continues his pursuit to one day become a master wizard.

Location(s): Fontis Sapienta

First Appearance: Chapter 6

Attack Power: 47

Defense Power: 16

Family Type: Humanoid

Critical Chance: 4%


  • 20% Chance of Success (+3 Attack)
  • Failed Wizard surprises even himself by casting a successful spell.

Loot: Catalyst Crystal Catalyst CrystalStone of Summoning Stone of Summoning
Gold: Gold Icon 92 - 117

Energy Preference: None

Bronze 1 Silver 10 Gold 100 Badge Platinum 250
