LevynLight Wiki
Flat Rockling

Used by the magic faction to search out resonant crystals in the stalagmite chambers of the East Core Quarry, Rocklings spend most of their time climbing over uneven terrain, scanning samples of potential talismans with their eyes, which send impressions to a crystal ball in Fontis Sapienta. Upon reviewing the data, their masters then advise them on what to harvest, and what to leave for the miners.

Location(s): East Core Quarry

First Appearance: Chapter 2

Attack Power: 20

Defense Power: 0

Family Type: Construct

Critical Chance: 2%


  • 51% Chance of Ablative Armor (+12 Defense)
  • Flat Rockling's flaky exterior shrugs off you attack with ease.
  • 7% Chance of Survey (+18 Attack)
  • Flat Rockling analyzes you and determines that there must be precious gemstones inside them!
  • Relay Difficulties (-20 Attack)
  • The heat caused by you disrupts Flat Rockling's ability to communicate with its magical masters and it becomes confused.

Loot: 20 x Emeralite Emeralite

Energy Preference: Mining Energy

Bronze 1 Silver 3 Gold 5 Badge Platinum 10
