LevynLight Wiki

The Highwayman Ran Off!

I have only 24 hours to catch the Highwayman as many times as possible! He sure is sneaky...

New Objective Unlocked!

- You have 24 hours to catch the Highwayman as many times as you can.

CutScene Highwayman LHighwayman
Excellent! These are just what I needed!

Now, if you thought I was just going to pay you right away, then you're sadly mistaken. Let's play a little game... see how good a Seeker you really are.

I'll give you a whole day to try and find me. Every time you do, I'll give you a little bit of your payment. Once the day is over though, tough nuts for you, I'll be long gone.

Adventurer's Cloak IconYou hand over: 1 x Adventurer's Cloak

Padded Vest IconYou hand over: 1 x Padded Vest

Sparring Smock IconYou hand over: 1 x Sparring Smock

Wooden Shield IconYou hand over: 1 x Wooden Shield
